
Medical Dermatology

Skin Cancer

Our number one priority is your skin health. With skin cancer as the most common type of cancer, early detection is key. Schedule your annual skin check with the Entière experience.

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Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis is a pre-cancerous growth that often is a scaly or crusty growth, commonly on frequently sun-exposed skin. If treated early, this can prevent the development of skin cancer.

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A frustrating skin concern not only affecting teens but also can develop during adulthood, especially for women. Learn the Entière approach using tailored and comprehensive therapies.

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Rosacea is a common skin condition with facial redness, dilated blood vessels, and sometimes, acne-like bumps. Since there is no cure for rosacea, patients commonly feel emotional distress and frustration. At Entière Dermatology, we take away that frustration away and change it to action.

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Melasma is a common pigmentary skin condition marked with brown to grey-brown splotches on the cheeks, forehead, bridge of the nose, upper lip, and even can involve the chest, arms, and legs. Factors that can trigger or exacerbate sun exposure, heat, changes in hormones, and irritating skin care products. For the majority of patients, melasma is stubborn, frustrating, and lasts years to a lifetime.

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Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a common type of eczema when your skin touches something that causes a rash. The skin can be dry, itchy, cracked, red, sore, and even bleed. This can be due to exposure to either an irritant or a substance that you may have developed an allergy to. In order to determine if an allergy is responsible for your contact dermatitis, an allergy patch test is necessary.

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Hair Loss

Everyone loses hair. It’s normal to lose about 50-100 hairs daily, however over 80 million Americans will experience some degree of hair loss. Hair loss is not created equal and a thorough history and examination by our board-certified dermatologist will determine what type of hair loss you have.

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Eczema is the umbrella term for many different and common inflammatory conditions of itchy, scaly, crusty, and at times, oozing, cracked, or fissured skin. There are many types of eczema - ranging from atopic dermatitis (those who genetically lack natural moisturizing factor and other important proteins in the skin) to contact dermatitis to dyshidrotic eczema to nummular eczema to stasis dermatitis and many more.

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One in 40 persons have psoriasis. While normal skin matures and sheds over a 28 to 30 days, skin cells with psoriasis mature much quicker over 4 days and then pile up to form thick silvery scaly rashes, typically on the elbows, knees, and scalp.

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To an untrained eye, a rash is a rash and it seems as though any rash can be treated with an over-the-counter anti-itch, hydrocortisone, anti-fungal cream, or oral anti-histamines. However, rashes are not as simple as they may seem. While most rashes are not life threatening, some can be more serious and should be evaluated by a board-certified dermatologist.

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Benign Growths & Moles

There are many benign and common skin growths such as seborrheic keratosis, skin tags, lentigines, sebaceous hyperplasia, cherry angiomas, fibromas, and etc. Benign moles which can be pink, skin-colored, or brown are common.

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Pigmentation can be due to inflammation, sun exposure, injury, and genetics. Restore your skin tone with our guidance through a personalized skincare regimen, in-office treatments, and a long term maintenance plan.

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